Monday, June 30, 2014

The Apple Tree

Just yesterday as I listened to some CDs that had been stored away for some time. And I was filled with joy and peace as I heard an old gospel song that has meant so much to me over the years. A song of invitation and reconciliation. A song of surrender to the Lord. A song that the Lord used to speak to me to prompt me to "come home"  and into His arms of love.

Coming home means so much to an individual. Maybe having spent time away on a trip, studying away from home. Coming home has a feeling of comfort and a sense of being. A place where one can be just who they are meant to be. 

In a spiritual sense, coming home is a feeling of joy and peace. A feeling of being completely surrendered to Jesus and His will for my life. No matter what I may have done, He is standing there with open arms, waiting for me. Waiting for you. 

Day after day I would listen to this song and I sensed a feeling of conviction. The Spirit continued to nudge my soul until one Sunday morning, the Lord called and I answered. I came home! Oh, the feeling of peace and joy that flooded my soul that morning, as I recognized the love of God for a soul such as mine. 

Four years later as I dealt with issues and struggles in my personal life, inwardly I slipped away from serving God and being completely surrendered to Him. At a meeting, the Lord used the song leader to lead this invitational song at the close of revivals, calling me back to Him.

And just as He saved my soul that first day, He was waiting for me with open arms, willing me back to Him. And He is waiting with arms outstretched for you! He loves you with an immeasurable love! 

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Just like Ma and Pa were waiting for their son with open arms, Jesus is waiting for you. His arms are wide open, calling you home to Him, fully surrendered to Him, filled with peace and joy that only He can give.

Daily seek Him! Daily surrender your life to Him! Lord, I'm coming home to the peace and joy that only you can give!

Come home my child, come home! Find rest in the arms of Jesus. He is waiting for you!

Finding rest. Part of a series of "Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour." Find more out here.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Some days it can just be ramblings, but I hope it has blessed you! "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ" Ephesians 4:12. Blessings!